Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Your 127 perfections

Kellena sa ennast näed,
mu tüdruk,
on vähe selle kõrval,
kes sa oled.
Sinu ees hajub udu.
Mäed liiguvad lähemale.
Sa neelad päikese
ja kallistad kuud.
Vihm suudleb sind
ja su koduks saab terve maailm.
Ühele oled sa kevadelilled,
teisele jõulutuled.
Ma ei lase kellelgi
sind taksitada.
Eriti sinul endal.

How you see yourself,
my girl,
is less than
who you already are.
Fog dissipates in front of you.
The hills will move closer.
You swallow the sun
and hug the moon.
The rain kisses you
and the whole world
becomes your home.
For someone you might be
spring flowers,
but to others christmas lights.
I won't let anybody
hinder you.
Especially from

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